


PhotobucketBanks Violette is a artist based in New York, his style is amazing, intergrating his stark, clean output, compared with his dark subjects that he bases his work upon. His work is such a nice thing to look at, with the range of lighting and usually some form of glossy black surface and ghostly white areas.

'I'm interested in a visual language that's over-determined, exhausted, or just over-burdened by meaning. The heavy-handed one-to-one of 'black-equals-wrong' is incredibly interesting to me less as something that has a meaning in itself, but more in how those visual codes can somehow become reanimated. That's constant throughout my work. All those images are like zombies they're stripped of vitality, yet sometimes they get life back in them, like zombies, usually something goes wrong when they wake up again.'

This quote from Violette is interesting in terms of design and this visual language he is talking about, how he reinterprets this, which is done fantastically well.

Banks Violette, talks to interview magazine.