A while ago I watched a film with a few friends called
Dark Days directed by Marc singer, it is a documentary about the lives of these squatters who live in the underneath the subway in New York, next to the train tracks, and films their stories of childhood, jail time, losing loved ones, drugs and many other things, at the...
end of the film a twist happens but i wont say what happens as it will spoil it! Its all shot in black and white and is a really beautiful piece of work, that won many awards. I thought about it due to the fact that these people have built homes underneath the subway of New York, with no money, sourcing all the materials from places where they could get free stuff, and having to
improvise a final outcome, some of the structures are great, one guy even has a security system! at one point in the film one of the guys is in sheers shock at the things people throw away, as he collects it and then sells it on to live, madness! anyway if you haven't seen this film i strongly recommend it, its great on many levels...