Was talking to the group today about the 'What if" series and think i had got the wrong end of the stick possibly, basically we were discussing that maybe i should have looked at things around me and tried to relate improvisation to them, for example a piece of wood and a hook, and making it into something improvised. I...
then remembered that i had got a
Pentagram papers book off of one of my bosses in work a while ago, it is the 32nd pentagram papers book and it is titled NO WASTE, and is basically about Cuba in the early nineties, and how the soviet union collapsed, meaning the cuban people had to find alternate sources of energy, transport and most basic commodities, its a really interesting editorial, with lots of pictures taken of things cuban people have made out of everyday objects, and improvising with what they have, its seriously surprising the sort of stuff they make and then pretty crazy the amount of stuff we all chuck out when it could be used for other things, saying that Ariane has been sculpting things for a few weeks out of stuff she has found, anyhow its a really great book, and i think will prove to be quite a source of inspiration.
PicturesPedel Propelled Vechicle (made by driver with no automobile licence)Taxi Sign ( made from plastic bottle and illuminate at night with an internal light)