I have been pondering over this idea for a while of concentrating on the things that are really bad about the 100 club, the broken chairs and tables, the weird smell of the place, the tatty stage, and the hole ridden floor, apparently sometimes they dont even have ice at the bar, or didn't used to anyway! I was also talking to Henry (who happens to be doing the same brief) about this factor too, that concentrating on all the bad things actually isn't a bad thing at all, because all these crappy factors of the club actually fill it with character that no other place could emulate. The way id do this is to take photos of all the disfigurements within the club and then have some form of type around them, this idea however doesn't really open much of a debate up with anyone, it just sort of is there, I guess you could argue that it is advertising it to make sure it stays open...