Here is the first collage out of the series of five, I printed the chosen people out on a laser-jet printer at school, so that the images were as saturated as they could be, I also adjusted them all to black and white and changed the levels. I had to pick the photos of the specific men carefully as I needed to make them all...
co-inside with each other and work as a set, once this was done it was back to my flat to get crafting and cutting them into the appropriate shapes and sizes. Once this was done I needed to scan the images at 400 dpi so the images were good enough quality to use in print when the newspaper gets printed with the set in it. I really think the images have come out well. I have never done anything like this before, as it almost borders on illustration, but i really like how they have come out none the less. I will post the rest at some point but for now feast your eyes.