


I have heard that the 100 Club has been saved from closure, this cant be for sure but apparently there has been a sponsor involved, so the 500,000 pounds that has needed to be raised to keep the club from closure has presumably been made, or given to them? This on first looks is a great thing, and all the people that have worked hard to get this have been rewarded, however i still feel that the vibe of the 100 club may go, due to the fact that sponsors are getting involved. These two conflicting ideas of it being great that it is being saved, but is it going to lose its atmosphere are something that i find really interesting, and feel it will open a wider debate, from the music lovers who wanted it to stay open to the people who wanted to close it and turn it into something else... More ideas on how to do this tomorrow, as a few of the ideas that i had to do with either saving the 100 club or closing it are obsolete now.