I have been playing around with the idea of perforation, and how to best use this method to produce some form of tear away flyers and create some form of debate/argument amongst people, almost anonymously, however the final outcome of this will have an effect on what people in general think what should...
happen about the possible closure of the 100 club. I have been toying around with the idea of putting information about the club on the tear away piece about where the club is, or if you are for or against the club closing, but i feel that this is unnecessary, because im not trying to promote the 100 club as such, just trying to see if this place matters to the people of today. I also feel that metaphorically if there was nothing on it, it would be a more fair discussion because people who actually cared about it would do it and not someone who doesn't care just wanting to rip something off a wall and keep it for a memento. I think the reactions of the poster would change where you placed it too, which is what i would like to try out, for example having one in Soho im sure the against the 100 club closing would be ripped to shreds where as if it was placed somewhere in east london im sure the reaction would be the opposite.