Today was the first interim, for this I had whittled down my ideas that i have previously spoken about to one main idea, this is the tear away flyers idea. The flyers are going to be the same pattern as the wood panels on the floor in the 100 club. The idea being that when a flyer is ripped off a part of the 100 club goes with...
it (metaphorically speaking). On each of these flyers is going to be either stay or go, or something along those lines, giving the people who go there the power to say if they actually think it may be better to let the 100 club go down with dignity and pride and not get changed into a horrible ten a penny club. This should act as a good platform for debate and end up as a good visual outcome for the problem. People seemed to like this idea, saying that it would be interesting what spin id put on the content of these tear away flyers. Tomorrow im off to the club to take some photos of it when nobody is around.