This afternoon was the crit for the MGM project with David, it was a really useful crit. Everyone seemed to like the photo collage/illustrations that I had been doing, and we discussed about the focus of the narrative that should go with it, and what sort of context it should be put in. For the narrative a few things were talked...
about, possibly putting the answers to the questions i received or possibly to take the images with all these modern gentlemen in it and find out about things they had done in the past that is not perceived as gentlemanly. This was to sort of illustrate the point that the perceptions that people had of these people may be wrong and that we initially judge people on their appearance. So basically this would be picking stories of these people and putting it into a newspaper, possibly fabricating the stories a bit so that it becomes an almost laughable factor like satirical writing. I think this could be really interesting and if done right has the potential to really work.
After discussing about the narrative that needs to come with it, we discussed the context that it needs to be set within this i think given the idea of the narrative i think a newspaper would be a very appropriate method to have it in, as a lot of the time paper write things that are fabrications of what they actually are and that sometimes they are funny in what they have written because it is so ridiculous.
So with these things to be getting on with check back for updates.
The image is the second image within the series of five it includes the modern gentlemen.