

ASFS CRIT 11/02/11

Last week we had a crit with the group and Sadhna. It was an interesting crit, with some very conceptual ideas and sounds exuding out of the projection room. I talked about two of the ideas I had come up with, one being the standing waves idea and the other the heartbeat of the Leatherby building. Both ideas went down well, however we decided that the standing waves idea had been done before, and was just a idea that would have been really interesting to do, but not relevant at all to the brief that had been set. So with this we talked about the heartbeat idea.

First of all I played the sound that I had found which was the sound of a heartbeat, which I guess is a natural starting point, however we discussed about using other sounds that represent the heartbeat of the school in other better and more interesting ways, this is something that I am looking into at the moment, maybe taking sounds from within the school or something could work.

In terms of being able to install this piece I am not really sure how to go about it and who to ask, so this again is something I need to work on, however I am keep to create some form of video or something to go with the sounds, as I think it would be an interesting way of documenting the sounds and reactions or people as they heard it.

Anyhow a few things to think about, and a few days to get on and do it.