As soon as i walked into the library I saw Brittanie, as she had nothing to do for an hour she came along for the ride too. I started off at the bottom of the steps going up to the library in the red lion square building, which I originally thought wouldn't be great, however the acoustics were actually quite nice, it is quite eerie because of the height of the building, so that was a possible starting point for the sound.
We carried on a few steps until we hit the corridor that is parallel to the main cafe of red lion. This again was not a place I'd originally thought of but after standing there for a while I thought it could be a possible candidate. As it is long and thin I guess i could use speakers all the way down it to create some form of atmosphere.
The next place was another corridor that connects the Leatherby to red lion, Which is green and long, I didn't like this space quite as much as the last corridor but I still took a photo just to log that I'd been there.
I then proceeded to walk down the main stairs in the Leatherby building, down past G12 and to the ground floor, at which I thought was going to be the main place I wanted to do the sound, which I was partly right about, it is nice and big, with great sound acoustics, as the sound echoes up the building to the top floor, which I think is a nice thing.
I then went down another floor, which I knew was there just from looking down the stairs, but I'd never been down there, however I saw a door to the left of the stairs and was intrigued to what was behind it so had a look through the windows and there was the 'Metal Machine & Sheet Metal Workshops' which was absolutely amazing. Usually I'd look at a workshop like this and just think it was a bit boring and clinical, however this workshop was below the ground level outside and has these amazing windows right at the top of the ceiling with all this amazing machinery around, stuff that looks like it could take your leg off and whatnot, there was just a crazy atmosphere in there, and that was just me looking through a grubby window at it. I cant really explain what it was about the room but I'd love to do something in there, weather it was the sound project or not. but I feel the sound project would work really well within the space.
The next space I went to was right at the top of the Leatherby building. It is the design room next to the computer room, this is also a really interesting space with nice big ceilings and windows and the room was pretty cold, which all would mean the sound would reverberate around it really well. It also looks out over centre-point and some other parts of central London.
We then walked to the lift however on the way stopped off and took photos of the courtyard that is in the middle of the Leatherby building, this space was also really amazing, I couldn't get out there and I don't know if there is any way of getting out, but I'm going to ask a few people and see what they say, however it is an amazing space, I was talking to James about it and we were saying it would be cool to have the sound outside but have people from inside view it. I guess it would change the whole dynamic completely.
Walking from that we went to the lift that is in the Leatherby, which is a tiny old school lift, its pretty rickety and unsafe but cool non the less. Don't think it would be a suitable place however.
The last place I went to was this tiny little cleaners cupboard at the top of the stairs by the context studio and design studio 3, which Brittanie lead me to, when we opened the door we realised it was an old toilet, so it had all the stuff a toilet would have, however it was tiny. again a cool little space but probably not right for what I'm planning on doing.
The photo at the top of the post is the view from two floors underneath G12, on the same floor as the metal room. It rises up the whole height of the Leatherby building.