


PhotobucketI am now going through various ideas that could be used on a sticker that could be placed upon an object that is of interest to the individual, which then becomes something other than an object. Here is an idea I have been looking at tonight. I have been looking at stamps, and how I could use them within my design... almost mimicking that of a PAT test sticker, one that keeps its function over the form, that is basic and easy to understand.

I remembered I had bought a set of letterpress blocks a while back at a book fair, one of typefaces I got was Univers Bold, in all the lower case. I dug them out from a box in my room and got to work on finding all the appropriate letters for the title of my work. I then tried various methods of printing them on to paper, non of which worked.

I then thought about embossing and making an impression on a piece of paper. I then found some cardboard in my room, which was perfect for the job. I got the cardboard and soaked it in water, so that it was soft enough that an impression would be made on it. I then got the block of text and pushed it into the cardboard as hard as I could. The first few attempts were very feint, however I gradually pushed harder and pushed for longer, which creates this embossed effect. I think it is an interesting outcome, not one I'm thinking of using, but as experiments go, a successful one.
