As an extension of the Modern Gentleman work, I was trying to think of appropriate sayings, that are in relation to what my work is trying to put across. When in my car this morning driving around in the depths of east London I was getting rather irritated to say the least, this is down to the fact that nobody says thank-you... when you let them go (or a massive majority don't, at least 5 people didn't this morning). It takes one hand gesture and that it. Which reminded me of the saying 'MANNERS DONT COST A THING' which is completely true. Manners are free, no matter if your the poorest person in the world or the richest, everyone should have manners.
This is also very apt down to the fact that manners and free and clothes aren't, illustrating the point that appearance is nothing to do with being a modern gentleman... oh the joys and inspiration from driving in London!