It came at a good time too. Yesterday I had quite a rushed start, as I had to drive back to my house early in the morning, though a nice bit of rush hour traffic, and once again many, many people didnt say thank you when you let them out, I then got home and had to run to the overground, which I missed by literally 5 seconds (because I had to top up my oyster and the driver wouldnt open the doors). I then had a long day in college which was all good and after being pretty tired was coming home on the tube, at this point my phone had run out of battery so I couldnt listen to music so was just listening to the buzz of the carraige, we got a couple of stops on and I heard from the loudspeaker...
'Please get off at the next stop for the Metropolitan, Circle and Hammersmith and City lines. Please remember to take all your personal belongs with you... and remember wherever you are, whatever the weather, have a lovely evening and god bless'
I literally couldn't believe it, it was one of the strangest but best loudspeaker announcements I've heard. Was really weird to think that just from this one man saying this that hundreds of people had a smile on their face... and it cost him absolutely nothing! If I could meet this guy i'd shake his hand.