


PhotobucketI was at work today and went on my lunch-break for an hour, in which time I went to the Tate, watched ben buy some paint and bought a baguette with some tasty filling. On my way to the Tate, I randomly saw this sticker stuck to the side of a gate, which could very easily be missed, however something attracted me to it... It's strange how I dont really see things like this but when I do a piece of work that I am using this medium I bump into it. It was a sticker that read,

donde el deseo no exista
Luis Cernuda

I was with a guy from work who is Spanish so by complete chance he could translate what the sticker said, which was,

where there is no desire

I guessed this guy was a poet from spain, from the name of the blog, however went about the rest of my day. When I got home I looked up the website that is on the sticker too called 'Poetry By Chance'. Which basically is someone putting these stickers up with poetry on them, which you can see in different corners of different cities in all different places. It is crazy, they said it will make you want to look up more when you get home, and I guessed it worked. Very clever, and I've proven my own point about the subtly of a little white sticker, and the effect it can have.

check the website out here.