Yesterday I made a trip to the
Tate Modern to see what was going on there as I hadn't been for a little while. The first thing I wanted to see was the Ai Weiwei Piece
Sunflower Seeds, which is made up of over 100 million porcelain sunflower seeds all handmade and the same, but each individual at the same time...
I can remember seeing a large exhibition of Weiwei's work in tokyo last year, which was amazing, so it was nice to see his most current work to date. Its a pretty impressive feat that Weiwei went to producing these sunflower seeds. I guess the process of making them is possibly more interesting than the piece itself. It certainly has a lot to say about the state of china and things that are going on there. We then went through the current permanent exhibition that is on there, which as always has a large variety of interesting works within, some really exciting pieces for me were the works of Franz Kline, Cy Twombly and Jenny Holzer among others. I then went to the bar at the top, which is amazing, so that was nice to see. anyway a new week beckons and hopefully a new set of work will prevail.