All four women are known for there appearances within gentleman's magazines from the 60's to the 80's and are all integral figures within the making of this genre of magazine. One out of the four is also going to appear on a duo-tone pull out, pin up poster. That will be done in the style of images I have been creating of late. There will also be a mix of girls like the one above featuring, Roberta Pedon again, Joyce Gibson, Joan Brinkman and some unknown woman from the 80's but it was the first picture I found and felt I needed to put it in.
I am going to use a similar approach as I did with the first newspaper in terms of making the images. I shall be printing the image out on a laser printer, then cutting and arranging them, then scanning them through and editing them after that to make them perfect, then they can go into the paper. Anyhow I have set myself the deadline of next tuesday to sent the paper to print, so I have alot to do, and not much time to do it, so better get cracking.