After finishing the second instalment of 'The Changing Face Of The Modern Gentleman' I'm now back to the 'Facility For Thought' work. I've had this work at the back of my mind constantly however, looking at different ways of doing it and what I want to be producing for it. I've had many conversations on the subject too..
. One of which stands out more than most was a conversation I had with an artist. He was basically saying that graphic designers (or graphics boys as he liked to call us), were stealing artists ideas and using them for themselves and that art was on a whole new level to design. I was just listening to what he was saying and found it interesting how he had such a clear vision in his head of what 'art' was and what 'design' was, even though they are both creative subjects, that both tell some form of story of information. I just found it interesting too that a graphics boy would be tackling such a subject, I guess design and art are not so far from each other after all. Anyhow with that and a few comments here and there about the design of the work I am firstly changing the name from 'Facility For Thought' to 'This Is Art', this is because it is more explicit, and is straight to the point, anyone could look at something that had a sticker on it saying 'this is art' and get it. So for that reason it is being changed however I also want to put on it somewhere 'is this art' to then pipe up the question of it actually being art or not. I still want to keep the design simple and almost unnoticed like that of a sign in a gallery, as if I was bringing the gallery out into the world. I am also keeping the signature part to the work, as I feel this is also integral. This is due to the fact that someone is giving it this seal of themselves, like placing your mark on something that you think is cool or worth noting.
The three things that I'd like to produce for this work are as follows
A STAMPThese three things will be able to give someone the freedom to do what they want, I am going to package them up in a simple way and put a bit of background information with it all. As you can see in the picture above I have been experimenting with the poster and how it will look and I like the thought of this sort of poster frame that is going on. I think it lends itself well to the work and would be a good addition to it.