I have received a fair few answers to the questions I asked a range of people about there thoughts on the modern gentleman, there have been mixed responses to all the questions, humorous, negative, serious, thought provoking. Its also been interesting what everyone says, because its always different, which I guess...
is the point to why I'm doing this work, trying to voice the opinions of real people about the thoughts of the modern gentleman, I'm not saying there is a right or wrong or a definitive answer to all of this, just trying to document what are the conceptions about the subject and showing how the meaning of a gentleman is changing. I have been thinking of ways to have an outcome to the work too, which is a lot harder than I imagined it would be. I was originally going to take photos of people that the people in whom i asked my questions perceived to be a gentleman too, however i feel this would not work, so with my last question about who epitomises the modern gentleman I'm going to use the men that are within this to illustrate the point, that the modern man comes in all different shapes, sizes, races and ages, which i think raises a far more important answer to the question of who the modern gentleman is...
The picture is of an experiment I'm currently doing, to show the many different aspects of the modern gentleman and how half the reason someone is perceived as a gentleman is their behaviour, which is within oneself. It shows depth to the notion of a gentleman in an interesting way. The three modern gentlemen within it are, David Lynch, David Beckham and Prince William.