Its been a while, the hand in has passed, and there is now concentration on the show, which starts this Wednesday. I have been in the midst of setting up my website, which is going well, and getting work printed and laid out for the show. Here is a link to the website, which is also above,
I have been very busy of late, so haven't had too much time to post new work up on the blog. I have received the new issue of 'the modern gentleman' as well as sending various other pieces off to print, so its all starting to come together for the final hand in next Friday...
I have mentioned making some form of stamp for the 'This Is Art' work, I have had discussions in and out of school about doing this, as it may be the easy option out of doing a sticker, however as I am also making a sticker I feel the stamp would be a good addition, for example it could be used if the stickers ran out...
I have been a fan of the artist Alex Farrar for a while now. His work is very simple, yet really intriguing. He uses a lot of legal wording and whatnot within his work, making his pieces seem more important than they maybe are, which again is sealed with signatures and whatnot...
Having re-looked at the 'Facility For Thought' work and looked at some more reference points I have decided to change both the format and the text that is on the sticker, only slightly but in the context of the design I guess its a pretty massive change. I have changed the name for a start to, 'This Is Art'...
I saw this image a while ago on a blog and was intrigued to what it was and who did it, I recently stumbled upon it again and quickly found out who did it. The people who did it are British artists Bob and Roberta Smith and was connected with a show they did in New York at Pierogi back in 2002...
I found this photo the other day and it made me laugh, amazing that someone has done this in some art gallery somewhere in the world so small that probably nobody noticed, brilliant. Completely taking the piss out of the gallery culture altogether, maybe that of 'This Is Art' will change that!
This is a picture I found the other day that I felt was appropriate to the 'This Is Art' work. The statement 'art is anything you can get away with' is an interesting one, because I feel this is right in so many senses due to the fact that if someone wants something to be 'art' and they are given the power to make this decision...
After finishing the second instalment of 'The Changing Face Of The Modern Gentleman' I'm now back to the 'Facility For Thought' work. I've had this work at the back of my mind constantly however, looking at different ways of doing it and what I want to be producing for it. I've had many conversations on the subject too..
I got the second instalment of 'The Changing Face Of The Modern Gentleman' off to print yesterday, which was really great. The second paper focuses on the flip-side of the notion of a gentleman, looking at gentlemen's clubs and magazines. The paper is narrated by a man called Vivian Henderson...
For the next section of the new instalment of the modern gentleman newspaper I have been looking at Gentlemen's Clubs throughout London, however I had five clubs in mind but changed them at the last minute so that they are all in hackney. I did this after looking at some articles I found the other day...
Today I have been making some important decisions about images and layout of the second instalment of the modern gentleman newspaper. I have been deciding on photos to use within the paper, and picking them out of a growing collection of vintage photos that I have been gathering...
Roberta Pedon, was the stage name of the famous seventies glamour model, back then I guess it was all hippy's and free love, but Pedon was at the forefront of the men's magazines girls. Because she was young, pretty, with a spectacular large-breasted figure, Pedon's photographs frequently appeared in gentlemen's...
I have been thinking about pin up girls, and how there was or still maybe is a trend for this pin up movement. A pin-up girl, also known as a pin-up model, is a model whose mass-produced pictures see wide appeal as popular culture. Pin-ups are intended for informal display, e.g. meant to be "pinned-up" on a wall. Pin-up girls may be glamor models, fashion models, and actresses. The pin up link is another thing that I want running through my work, but in using old vintage pin up girls and their photos I want to breathe new life in to them, and abstracting them into something different. All current and old lads mag's or the ones that are called gentleman's magazines feature these pin up style girls, and within the double page spread of my newspaper that is what I want to replicate.
Another vintage magazine that includes the word gentleman, in fact that is the only word within the title, again similar to 'modern man' magazine, it was one of the first men's magazine with a broad range of subjects. supposedly there is an interesting article about stuff you didn't know about shaving, riveting.
Modern Man was a men's magazine founded in 1952, which apparently ran for several decades, I guess it was the first proper men's magazine similar to ones we see now, such as NUTS, FHM and GQ, with all the same subjects within it such as humour, cars, pop culture and of course nude women.
Just found this vintage magazine called 'The Gent' which came out in the late fifties and has had many issues since. Its crazy how you can see the design change and the cover models get more bare as the years roll on. The website I found them has a whole archive of vintage mens mags and other stuff...
Here we have Nika Movenka, a big bust model from the early seventies. Who appeared in many gentleman's magazines within her time. I decided on this photo due to the composition of her and the way I have put the circles. Again mirroring that of a pole dancer, spinning round the pole...
I was just randomly looking for books on amazon, when I came across Teddy Ferris's book, 'Stripper For Christ - A Hermit Goes to The Gentleman's Club' It is a book designed for the kindle, but using my trusty iPhone I downloaded the short story for the sum of seventy pence, sat outside and read it. It was a pretty short story, about a guy who has never gone to a strip bar or gentleman's club, and his friend takes him, where he meets a stripper called 'Ginger', who he basically falls in love with, however Ginger is a stripper with a difference as she is a christian and follows it quite strictly, she then basically gets his number and seems to really like him too. It wasn't gripping but some of the words he was using for the look of inside the club were interesting, and how the place smelt and looked, and the clientele who were in there, sort of what you'd imagine really. An interesting insight to it.
With a minor knowledge of strip bars in London (mainly east London) and equipped with the trusty gentlemen's navigator app I went about putting a short list together of gentlemen's clubs around the area. All with the gentleman's club title within them. The list is as follows,
All these are sort of pubs, that have ladies dancing around in them, and all feature the gentleman's club accolade within the name of them. Here is a map that I have done to show where the bars are.
I currently live and work in London, I attend Central St Martins and study graphic design there, I like working on interesting projects with interesting people, check back regularly for updates, this site is best viewed in safari.